The EAR 868 has been designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of users,
from the most demanding of audiophiles to the professional seeking
high-quality monitoring equipment in the studio. It is based on the circuit
designs used in the highly successful EAR 912 studio-grade pre-amp. Like
the 912, the 868 features two pairs of balanced outputs and one pair of
balanced inputs, all coupled via high-quality transformers
The low distortion, low noise line stage is coupled to the outside world
via transformers, giving the option of balanced or unbalanced connection.
As with all EAR products reliability and practicality are key priorities
and to this end all components have been selected and rated for long and
trouble-free service. All 4 valves are PCC88s, a type noted for good
performance and
which will be around for servicing in the long-distant future. And unlike
many of our competitors' phono pre-amps there is no separate power supply
box to deal with - careful design ensures that hum is kept at bay despite
the inclusion of a high capacity power supply.